The ways we can help
- We offer a comprehensive funeral service which includes:
- Supplying and fitting the coffin complete.
- Organising bearers and vehicle for removal of the deceased to Trellis House, Dorking.
- Organising necessary bearers and staff for the funeral.
- Make all arrangements with hospital, nursing home etc. for removal of the deceased.
- Use of one of our private chapels of rest.
- Use of the chapel of rest at Trellis House f or a funeral service.
- Last offices and hygienic treatment.
- Completing all certificates and applications on client’s behalf.
- Forwarding all necessary documentation to the cemetery or crematorium authorities.
- Arranging removal of existing memorial as necessary.
- Arranging of grave preparation.
- Arranging for purchase of cemetery plot if required.
- Supplying medical certificates for cremation and arranging their completion.
- Arranging a convenient day and time for the funeral with client and cemetery or cremation authorities.
- Arranging for a Minister to officiate.
- Arranging transport for a Minister if required.
- Arranging organist.
- Confirming all details of the service with those involved.
- Provision of hearse and following cars.
- A horse drawn hearse can be provided if required.
- Providing estimate.
- Dealing with all press announcements.
- Dealing with H.M. Coroner and police as necessary.
- Arranging for design and print of ‘Order of Service’ and ‘Hymn Sheets’ and arranging the ‘Order of Service’ with the Minister and client.
- Arranging for and attending, if required, at interment or other disposal of ashes.
- Arranging private autopsy if required.
- Dealing with floral tributes.
- Professional attendance and supervision at all times.