When a death occurs, who needs to know?
A check-list for your guidance.
We list below various items that may need your attention before, during and after the funeral. We are able to assist with many of these either practically or by providing the information required.
- To visit the Registrar to obtain certificates (unless the Coroner’s procedure dictates otherwise).
- Floral tributes, personal flowers.
- Floral tributes, church flowers.
- Information about the deceased for the Minister.
- Discuss with the Minister or us details for service papers and hymn sheets.
- Special music to be played at the funeral.
- Number of funeral cars (six seater).
- Arrangements or professional caterers.
- Memorial book if required.
- List of mourners attending the funeral, name cards can be supplied.
- Memorial book if required.
- Family, friends, deceased’s employers.
- Private car drivers – route to church, cemetery, crematorium.
- Acknowledge and thank you cards.
- D.S.S. (special certificate from Registrar) return pension books.
- Bank, Building Societies and Post Office Savings.
- Solicitor.
- Accountant.
- Premium Bonds.
- Shares and investments.
- Passports (cancel).
- Car insurance.
- D.V.L.A. – change of ownership of vehicle.
- Police (security of empty property).
- Inland Revenue.
- Return of medical appliances, wheelchair etc.
- Home help services.
- Social Services, meals on wheels etc.
- Services – water, electricity, gas, council tax.
- Tradesmen – milkman, newsagents etc.
- Return library books.
- Return/cancel TV hire.
- Redirect mail.
- Estate agent, valuation of property.
- Valuation of chattels.
- House clearance arrangements.
- Landlord/lease arrangements.
- Remove valuables from house (cash, jewellery etc).